The new Lean assembly line will improve GHI's production efficiency

The new Lean assembly line will improve GHI's production efficiency


The new Lean assembly line will improve GHI’s production efficiency



The inauguration of the new furnace assembly line based on Lean Manufacturing principles will allow us to be more efficient in our manufacturing operations and provide our customers with greater added value.


GHI started the Lean project in 2017 with the support of the production consultancy Asenta. In view of the excellent results obtained with the implementation of Lean principles in the electrical workshop for 2 years, we have also applied the system to our mechanical workshop.


Lean Manufacturing is a methodology based on the Toyota production system. Its philosophy is to eliminate waste or activities that do not add value for the customer. This system allows to achieve immediate results in the productivity, competitiveness and profitability of the company without requiring investments in machinery, personnel or technology.

The removal of unnecessary waste from the process results in gaining the maximum benefit from the resources, elimination of duplication and a clear definition of responsibilities.


With the implementation of the Lean Manufacturing methodology in our production processes, we are improving efficiency and providing technological solutions with more added value to our customers, who demand highly reliable and complex equipment in a very competitive environment.


We have managed to reduce the lead time of our projects; we have improved efficiency in assembly hours and we are reducing logistic costs, improving supply chain indicators in terms of time, deadline and quality. As a result, we increase our reliability regarding delivery times.


This project’s success is the result of clear and demanding objectives, a committed team and the strong leadership of the management.


We thank all those who participated in this project and we will keep working to achieve continuous improvement in all our processes.