GHI Smart Furnaces, key for the expansion plan of Fundial Aluminium

GHI Smart Furnaces, key for the expansion plan of Fundial Aluminium


GHI Smart Furnaces, key for the expansion plan of Fundial Aluminium


The company will double its aluminium ingot production capacity with a 40-ton tilting rotary furnace for aluminum recycling supplied by GHI Smart Furnaces.

Through its new expansion plan, Fundial seeks to strength its position in the industrial market. The aim is to transform its existing plant in Legutio into a reference center for the refinement and manufacture of aluminium ingots.

In an article published in Empresa XXI, Ramón Madariaga, president of Fundial highlights that this plan will provide greater flexibility and variety in their aluminum alloy catalog in order to meet the demands of each and every customer in a personalized way. Additionally, the tilting rotary furnace supplied by GHI will allow Fundial to become an environmental impact aluminum foundry.


The new 40-ton tilting rotary furnace is almost double the capacity foreseen in the initial plan, which was presented four years ago. GHI Smart Furnaces, will also supply a slag cooling system that will streamline the production processes. This equipment has a high technological component as it is specifically designed for the recovery of aluminium and obtain  a higher metal yield.

Both, tilting rotary furnace and the slag cooling system, will provide greater energy efficiency and lower CO2 emissions per ton of produced aluminum. GHI’s slag cooling system will enable the recovery of the aluminium contained in the salt slag coming from the tilting rotary furnace. This system quickly cools down the salt slag, preventing the oxidation of the aluminium; it increases the metal recovery and drastically reduces the space required for cooling compared to the traditional basket system.

The equipment supplied to Fundial will be fully sensorized and integrated into Industry 4.0 under the BeyondAlea platform, developed by GHI Smart Furnaces.